Thursday, March 29, 2012

Petit Jean State Park - Seven Hollows Trail

On our second full day here, we hiked the Seven Hollows Trail, a four and a half mile loop, five miles if you hike the side trail to the Grotto, which we did.  This was a very nice trail, with plenty of shade and lots of variety.  There were natural stopping points for breaks--the Natural Bridge and the Grotto.  We had the Grotto to ourselves, so we let Genna strip down and go wading...guess she was more interested in the stripping down part than in the wading.  Funny girl!  Crazy hiker girl, too, it turns out!  I could not believe how much she hiked and how good her attitude was!  She probably hiked at least four miles of the five mile total; she totally rocked this hiking trail!  Of course, she was totally charming and chatty the whole way.  She promised me that when she is a mommy, she'll buy me my very own bucket; I won't have to share with anyone, and Daddy is not allowed to break it, lol!  She also talked a lot about Bethany Hamilton, the main character in Soul Surfer who lost her arm in a shark attack.  Ever since we watched the movie about a week ago, she's been super intrigued by her and talks about her all the time.  She informed us that she'd like Bethany Hamilton to teach her to swim and surf and just be her friend!   And, Grandma, she's requested the movie for her birthday, hint, hint!!

By the time we finished our five mile hike, we were all famished (not just the ones going through crazy growth spurts!), so we stumbled over to Bear Cave and ate a hasty lunch before heading back for showers and a little relaxation.  No way we'd manage to get more hiking out of Genna today!

A sign, a sign, we must get our picture taken in front of it!!
One of many caves we saw along the way
Another perfect Arkansas Spring day
That's a big rock!
The Natural Bridge
We spent a while at the natural bridge
I challenged them all to crawl through the rocks.   Al\yssa almost didn't do it.
Along the trail
Wading at the Grotto, trying to avoid stepping on the many crawdads!
The joys of being 3 and uninhibited!

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