Monday, March 5, 2012

Fun times!

One of the things I miss most about living in our old house is living across the street from one of my best friends ever.  So glad we got a chance to hang out and have dinner together!  The kids played & played, and Leslie & I attempted to catch up on life while keeping tabs on all those kiddos.  Good times indeed!
Linda and Leslie have been best friends for 15+ years
Genna and Anna played Tea Party in the bathroom for a long time
Jake was quite fond of Uncle Matt
Matt was in fine form entertaining the kids
Now, if you can believe it, all the visiting with friends on this trip didn't even get documented with a camera!  That's right, we had a couple of visits with friends that we came away from without any in the world did that happen??  Well...Steve took the camera to work with him one day, and the other time, who knows??  Nonetheless, suffice it to say, that after blogging about all the time we had to catch up with friends, I am feeling like one very popular, immensely blessed lady!  I hope each & every one of you knows that we truly treasure your friendship; you are all blessings to us!  

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