Monday, June 27, 2011

Kansas Bound

Kansas is very interesting

We left Guthrie, OK and made tracks towards Kansas.  We planned to stay at Hillsdale State Park, and stay we did.  Parking/backing in was not an easy feat, and that is kind of an understatement.  The plus side of that is that we attracted some help, a guy that we learned has cancer and was given two months to live, and that was almost 18 months ago.  Don’t know his story other than that, but he was a God-send for Steve.  He helped him back into our site when I was clearly not the help he needed, so the cars backed up behind us could get by and on about their business.  We attempted some fun & relaxation & met our next door camping neighbors over dinner.  Kind of sad story…long & short of it is that we tried to be hospitable & pour some love into these kids in the short time we were around them.  The plus side?  I think we accomplished that, plus the girls got to fish & pick blackberries with new friends, & we got some farm fresh eggs, some awesome venison jerky, sausage, & burgers.   We also learned that we do need to establish some rules/boundaries for new visitors.  I’m just not that comfortable with those we’ve just met bounding in & out of our home without knocking first or searching through our drawers  & cabinets to see what we’ve got, even if childish curiosity is the motivator.  
Corban and Steve.

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