Monday, June 20, 2011


We are publishing the blog.  It isn't perfect...still working on our set up & crew posts & so those links are not currently working, and there are certainly not as many pics as we should have going forward, but we finally have internet this week to work on it, so it is up & running! Thanks to Steve for making the time to get it publish-able.  If you're curious about how this all got started, please check out the post titled Processing


amy said...

I love it! I'm so glad you have a blog and I cannot wait to follow your journey. I read every single word so far and I'm so excited for you guys. I love the fact that you're not glossing over reality, but you're still keeping a positive outlook. You're welcome in Southern Indiana as often as you'd like!!

Sarah said...

I just went back and read from the beginning. SO fun! I love that you're reporting the good, bad and ugly. Can't wait to follow you this year!

Jenny said...

I love your blog! So excited to follow along on your adventures! What an amazing learning curve moving from a traditional home to an RV. I enjoy your honesty and feelings on it all. Can't wait to see where God leads you!