Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our last night in Minnesota

The lovely and beautiful participants of the Serena-directed fashion show!
Just like our last visit to Minnesota, we spent our last night parked outside my sister Donna's house for one final hurrah.  Mark & Wendi & crew came over for another fun night of just being together and feasting.  Todd grilled so many yummy things---cheese-stuffed, blazing-hot jalapenos, zucchini, okra (loved this, wasn't slimy in the least), eggplant, mushrooms, and steaks!  And, Serena and Shanan helped me make homemade fresh pasta. much partying!  We're soaking it all in because we know when we leave, we're headed to an entirely new place where we know no one...yet!  So grateful for the chance to be here and do this!

Toys, toys, toys
The homemade pasta was delicious!
It takes a lot of work to feed a lot of people!
Cole had fun with this little scooter! 
Sleeping kids everywhere!!
Another early morning Gjesvold family portrait. 


bigcitydropout said...

fun times indeed!

bigcitydropout said...
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