Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Lindholm's Visit nearby Destin

I was delighted to learn that my oldest sister and her family would be coming to Destin in October! My oldest sister Hope is fourteen years older than me and was definitely my second mom when I was a small child. Now that we're both "all grown up," that age gap seems much narrower, but I love that she has nuggets of wisdom from having traveled further down the road of parenting and life ahead of me! Since she lives in Minnesota with her family, and we don't and never have, it's always such a treat to get to hang out together!

Genna loves her cousin Hannah
Our girls enjoyed meeting other girls their own ages
While the Lindholms were in Destin we soaked up as much family time as we could while enjoying the last of the really great beach weather of the year. I enjoyed lots of sister time, such a treat! And, it's always heartwarming to see my kids bond with and strengthen relationships with their cousins.  It is so neat to see my nieces growing up into such beautiful ladies, inside and out! They are such a great influence for our girls! With our rather chaotic life of the last several years, it is always good to see my big girls enjoy girl time. Nadia is just a few months older than Alyssa, and they bonded over cartwheels and such on the beach. Hannah won Genna over in no time at all by playing with her one-on-one. Hannah also showcased her impressive makeup skills by sacrificially donating her time to give the girls makeovers, and Alyssa manned the photo shoot after. Jake and Kaden were two peas in a pod, really, getting along fantastically. Genna is pretty adaptable and had fun playing with the boys, too.

A lot of girly things happened in this room, makeup, nail polish, wrestling, etc
When they left Destin, they drove through Holt & treated us to a farewell dinner at Wings of Fire in Crestivew. Ice-cold Angry Orchard on tap and phenomenal wings paired with even better company was a fitting end to a great visit! We were sad to see you go, Lindholms, but oh-so-grateful you visited and blessed us with your generous and fun-loving ways! Till next time...

Hannah giving a ride to Alyssa and Nadia
General Sillyness before saying good bye 
Katie and her cousin Nadia
Lindholm Family Portrait minus Andrew
The Zavocki Crew 

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